Text Summarization

In The Future, Technology Is Developing Very Fast


Future technology that will be developed is the consequence of technical innovative in the field of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Technology.

Types of Text Summarization

There are two main types of text summarization

Extractive Summarization

This type of summarization extracts the most important sentences from the original document and creates a summary from those.

Abstractive Summarization

This type of summarization creates a summary that is not simply a collection of sentences from the original document. Instead, the summary is rewritten in a way that captures the main ideas of the document.

Text Summarization Techniques

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Contact Us for NLP Assignments. Our Data Scientists are experts in the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Deep Learning Techniques.

Benefits of Text Summarization


A summary of a document can provide a quick overview of the document, which can be helpful for people who are short on time or who are not interested in reading the entire document.


A summary of a document can be more concise than the original document, which can save time and space.


A summary of a document can be more concise than the original document, which can save time and space.

Improved readability

A summary of a document can be easier to read than the original document, especially if the original document is long or complex.
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